This time of year tends to make me feel very nostalgic. I think on those I’ve loved that are no longer here, those I’ve known that I no longer visit, and those that have changed me in some way or another. Most especially this time of year, I want to journal my memories and get others to do the same. It never happens. This is the busiest time of year! I have presents to buy, parties to plan and attend, school concerts, church and so much more. I think about it. I want to, I sincerely do. Yet, I don’t follow through.
We are the only link the future has to our past. Oh sure, the history books will record that President Bush was in office, that President Obama did this or that and any great natural disasters that occurred. What about the events in your life? Who will record them?
With the technology available today, and at such reasonable prices, it is astonishing that so little is recorded. It is not a rule that you must spell correctly, have perfect grammar or even write it all out in whole sentences. Just write!
Take a photo of your child making cookies. How many more times will that child make cookies with you? How about a photo of Grampa sitting in his favorite chair? How many more times do you think that opportunity will come by? What was it like for him when he was growing up? What did he love? What did he regret? Does he have advice for the next generation? For you?
Take the time. MAKE time. Utilize your video camera and record a conversation with a loved one. Utilize the software out there that lets you tag and organize your photos as soon as you upload them. Take advantage of Skype and the other programs like it to converse and share with loved ones across the miles.