
What is scrapbooking? It’s gluing photos to any old paper, right? It’s putting as many doodads on a page as you can, right? It’s cutting photos into odd shapes, removing people you don’t like and then ignoring them, right?

Wrong. Scrapbooking is your story, your way! You determine how you want to preserve it. You write your history. You do. No one else is going to do it for you. You have to. There are so many options out there! Just do it! Pick one and go for it.

Are your photos somewhere in the closet? Stored safely on the hard drive to be dealt with later? Either way, what if there is a fire tonight? Where are your precious memories? Wasn’t it just yesterday your child was newborn, snuggled in your arms and so full of promise? Wasn’t it just yesterday that they were learning to walk? Write? Ride a bike? Sing, dance, or play an instrument? Wasn’t it just yesterday that they were graduating? Wasn’t it just……. Where did the time go?

It is a passion that God gave me at birth. I’ve not known what to do with it. I thought it was just for me to learn to scrapbook so I could preserve my memories. Recently though, I’ve come to realize, that isn’t it. He made me a teacher ON purpose! He whispered in my soul a genuine love of other people’s stories, of their photos, of their dreams. I am honored to use the gifts God has blessed me with to help others preserve their most precious gifts.

Don’t want the clutter? Digital albums are done on the computer. Use the software, pick the template that works best for you, drop your photos right into the spaces already set up, add any embellishments you like and send to the printer! They print and bind the pages into an amazing book. Tada! A beautiful album with the stories behind them.

Like albums, but don’t want to measure, cut, and try to figure out where everything goes?  There are albums with pockets built in that you just drop photos and journaling into! Yep, it’s that easy! PLUS – as a bonus, they are 40% OFF right now!

Love the feel of paper? Want to design every page around your photos? Go for it! ALSO, now you can even design the front cover to your album! How sweet is that? Love that! Imagine your Christmas 2011 album with a family photo from Christmas 2011 right on the cover! How about a baby album, with a pic of the brand new bundle of joy as the cover!

The possibilities are endless. Need help? Need direction? Need solutions? Feel free to contact me! I would love to help.

No matter what the problem is, I’m sure we can find a solution. This is the year! Just do it!

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