
Welcome to the New Year!! Here are a few creative ways to ring in the new year and wrap up the old!

Many people scrapbook or create vision boards around their hopes and resolutions for the new year. It’s important to remember these albums are for future generations to connect with their hiSTORY!

Learn More – Why Scrapbook?

Need ideas on what to create? Here is a brief list meant to inspire and encourage you!

Let’s Talk About Last Year – 

  1. Layout covering the highlights from the previous year/ a year in review.
  2. Family tree – who was added and update birth/death information
  3. Last Years Resolutions – Bring them forward – what worked, what didn’t? What were you successful with?
  4. What was your favorite part of last year? 
  5. What are you most thankful for?
  6. Time Capsule Layout
    1. Plan an in-person or online event where each family member writes something they are looking forward to or want to achieve in the new year and submits it with a current photo of themselves. 
    2. Seal all in an envelope and place it in your album. On the cover of the envelope write what year it was created and when it should be opened. 
    3. On that open date share the contents and create a layout with the photos and what people wrote.
  7. Identify one event or great thing that happened for each month of last year and journal about it. Use photos if available. 
  8. Traditional New Years Eve party/celebration layout
    1. Do you have any traditions? 
    2. What does ringing in the new year mean to you?
  9. Create a calendar page with 30 boxes and fill it in with your top 30 favorite moments of last year.
  10. Thank last year for all of the insights, lessons, accomplishments, additions, and delights that you can think of!

Ideas and Title Inspiration to Celebrate the New Year!  

  1. PARTY! Did you go somewhere on New Year’s Eve? Do you have photos of that? 
  2. New Years Resolutions
  3. Did you create a Vision Board? 

This is a file I created last year and I’ve updated it to include 2009 through 2020. There is also the number 12, just in case you want a clock. This file includes the clock, clock hands, balloons, streamers, and numbers and would be great for any project calling for:

  • It’s that time of year!
  • It’s time!
  • It’s that time!
  • Just in time!
  • Join us for….
  • You’re invited….
  • Mark your calendar!
  • Set your clock….
  • Time got away from me…
  • Sorry I’m late

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