
Fargo Flooding 2009

Would you like to know what’s going on around us? Here in Fargo we deal with a lot of spring run off every year, however, we don’t usually have this much water! We did in ’97, but this isn’t as bad of weather, just as bad of water and run off. In this photo you see a backhoe building up the dike. This is a dirt mound follow a road between downtown Fargo and the quickly rising river. You can just see the river to the right of this photo. The water WILL reach up and lap at the top of this dirt wall.

Fargo Flood Cam is HERE – Now realize what you are viewing is downtown Fargo and that normally you don’t even notice the water there! It’s a tiny little river wayyyy down 30′ + lower than it is now!!

3-25-09Good Morning America (March 25, 2009) http://abcnews.go.com/GMA Go to videos and click on Fargo Flooding. Story is http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=7166172

I’ve compiled a few links for those emailing me and asking me about the situation: