Sharing AFT (Aroma Freedom Technique) is as much a blessing to me as to those receiving it. Every time. This past week I was able to help two friends that I care deeply for. Seeing the burden lifted from their shoulders and knowing they left with more hope than they walked in with lifted me in ways I can’t even put into words. I have no doubt God is using my life experiences, love for teaching and sharing, and sincere desire to help people to touch lives.
When I share AFT with someone, it’s like I step into myself. What is AFT? It is a 12 step process that uses imagery, guidance from me and strategically placed aroma therapy to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.
Sounds amazing and fun, right? That’s because it is!
This world is so full of hurt. So full of anguish and disappointment. My heart breaks ….. It was a beautiful morning. Sun was shining, the bees were bouncing around the yard. As I typed this the clouds moved in and it began to sprinkle! So perfect.
This song is playing: Crowder: Come As You Are
Lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
YES!!!!! This is why I do what I do.
Find hope. You are worth it.
#blessed #aromafreedomtechnique #ascentessentials #younglivingessentialoils